This article Alhamdulillaah teaches us about characters of those who are sincere about achieving shuhada.

The Martyred Youth & the Rein's Owner
Excerpted & translated by Nida'ul Islam magazine from the book:
"The Roads of Desires to the Fate of the Admirers"

A man called Abu Qudamah Ash-Shamy, who lived in the Prophet's Madinah, was known for his love for Jihad in Allah's cause and participating in expeditions to the land of the Romans. One day, while conversing with some of his companions in the Prophet's Holy Mosque in Madinah, they said: "O Abu Qudamah, tell us about the most amazing thing you have witnessed while in Jihad". He replied:

I once arrived at the city of Riqqa (in Iraq) seeking to purchase a camel to carry my weapons. One day, a woman entered to where I was sitting and said: "O Abu Qudamah, I was listening to what you mentioned about Jihad and your incitement for Muslims to join it. I have been blessed with more hair than many other women; I have cut it and made a horse's rein out of, and I have covered it with dust so that no one can recognise it. I wish that you take it with you, so that when you arrive to the land of the disbelievers, and the horsemen engage in battle, the arrows are fired, the swords are drawn, and the spears are pulled out, either use it if you find the need for it, or hand it to whoever needs it, for I wish that my hair will witness the battle and will get the dust in the Way of Allah. I am a widowed woman who had a husband and a number of relatives, who were all killed in Allah's Path; I would have joined Jihad had it been required of me." She then handed over the rein to me.

She then said: "O Abu Qudamah, know that my husband left me a son who is amongst the finest of youths: He has learnt the Qur'an, the art of swordsmanship, as well as archery; he prays at night and fasts during the day, and he is 15 years of age. He is currently away at a property which he has inherited from his father. Hopefully he will get back before your departure, for I wish to send him with you as a gift to Allah the Exaltand most High. And I ask you by Allah that you do not deprive me from gaining the rewards I seek."

Abu Qudamah said: I had departed from Riqqa with my companions, when I heard a horseman calling out from behind: "O Abu Qudamah, wait for me
for a while, may Allah have mercy on you." I stopped and said to my companions: Go forth while I check who it is. The horseman then approached me, hugged me, and said: "Praised be Allah who did not deny me from your company and did not turn me back disappointed". I said: "My beloved, let me see your face, for, if it is imperative on someone of your age to fight, I would command you to join us, otherwise I would turn you back". When he uncovered his face, I saw a young man who is like a full moon (in beauty), and who seems to have been living a wealthy life. I said: "My beloved, do you have a father?" He said: "No, in fact I am coming with you seeking revenge for my father who was martyred, perhaps Allah will grant me martyrdom as he granted my father". I said: "My beloved, do you have a mother?" "Yes", he replied. I then said: "Then go and ask her permission, if she permits you to go then come back, otherwise stay back with her".

The young man said: "O Abu Qudamah! Don't you recognise me?" "No", I replied. He said: "I am the son of the woman who gave you the trust. How fast did you forget my mother's request! I am -Insha' Allah- the martyr son of the martyr! I ask you by Allah not to stop me from going forth with you in Allah's way, for I memorise Allah's Book, and have knowledge of the Prophet's Sunnah, and I am experienced in horsemanship and shooting, and I have not left behind someone who is a better fighter than myself, so despise me not for my young age. My mother has taken an oath that I should not come back, and said: 'O son! If you meet the disbelievers, turn not your back to them, and offer your soul to Allah, and seek to be close to Allah, and the company of your father and your righteous uncles in the Heaven; and if Allah grants you martyrdom, then intercede on my behalf, for I was told that the martyr can plead on behalf of seventy of his relatives, and seventy of his neighbours'. She then hugged me, lifted her head to the heavens and said: 'My Lord, Master and God, this is my son, the flower of my heart and the dearest to my soul, I present him to you, so draw him nearer to his father'."

When I heard the youth's words, I wept in grief over his good character and the beauty of his youth, and out of pity for his mother's heart, and over my astonishment at her patience on being away from him.

We went on with our journey; we rested at nightfall, and took off in the morning. During that time the youth did not cease remembering Allah and glorifying Him. I observed his movements, and found that he was better than us when riding, and our servant once we dismounted. As we got closer and closer to the enemy, he would strengthen our determination, his spirit would fortify, his heart would purify, and the signs of happiness would cover him.

We proceeded until we were close to the land of the Kuffar. It was near sunset when we alighted. The young man was cooking food for us to break our fast when he fell asleep. He slept for a long time, and I could see him smiling during his sleep. When he woke up, I said to him: "My beloved, I saw you smiling while asleep". He said: "I saw a vision which I liked and made me laugh". I said: "What was it you saw?" He said: "I saw myself in an elegant green garden. While wandering in it, I faced a silver castle which had balconies made of pearls and jewels. Its doors were made of gold, and its curtains were lowered. I then saw some maids, whose faces were like the moons (in beauty), lifting the curtains. Upon seeing me, they said: 'Welcome'. I then heard some of them saying to the others: 'This is the husband of the 'Mardhiyyah' (Blessed)'. They then said to me: 'Come forth, may Allah have mercy on you'. When I approached, I saw a room on the top of the castle, it was made of red gold, and had a green bed made of jewels, and its legs were made of white silver. There was a girl on the bed whose face was like the sun, and had it not been for Allah's help I would have lost my sight, and I would have lost my mind, because of the brilliance of the room, and the beauty of the girl. Upon seeing me, the girl greeted me saying: 'Welcome, O Allah's servant and His beloved! You are mine and I am yours.' I wanted to hug her, but she said: 'Slow down, do not rush, you are not one of those who do wrong. However, we shall meet tomorrow at the time of Zuhur prayers, so rejoice!'."

Abu Qudamah said: I then told him: "My beloved, you saw but good, and good it shall be Insha' Allah."

Amazed at the youth's dream, we went to sleep. When we woke up, we rushed, mounted our horses, and the caller cried: "O Allah's horsemen! Mount, and rejoice with Paradise, 'March forth, whether you are light or heavy' [Qur'an, 9:41]." It was only an hour before the army of Kufur, may Allah humiliate it, approached as if they were locusts spread abroad. The first of us to attack them was the youth, who scattered them, dispersed their lines, and plunged into their ranks; he killed many of their men, and knocked down their heroes. When I saw him doing this, I caught up with him, grabbed his horse's rein, and said: My beloved, retreat! You are a young boy who is inexperienced in warfare. He replied: "O uncle! Did you not hear Allah's saying: 'O you who believe! When you meet those who disbelieve, in battle a field, never turn your backs to them', do you wish for me to enter the Fire of Hell?"

While talking, the Mushriks launched a great offensive, which caused us to separate, and each of us had to look after himself. When the two parties separated, the killed were countless. I rode around examining the killed, whose blood was flowing on the ground, and who could not be recognised due to the dust and blood which covered their faces.

While riding, I saw the youth between the horses' hooves, covered with dust and blood; he was saying: "O Muslims! For Allah's Sake, get my uncle Abu Qudamah to come to me!" Upon hearing his crying, I ran towards him. I could not recognise his face because of the blood, and the marks from the horses' footsteps. I said: "Here I am, this is Abu Qudamah". He said: "O uncle, by the Lord of the Ka'bah, my dream has come true. I am the son of the rein's owner!" Upon hearing this, I threw myself on him, kissed him between the eyes, wiped the dust and blood off his face, and said: O my beloved! Do not forget your uncle Abu Qudamah, make him amongst those you intercede on their behalf on the Day of Judgement! He replied: "The likes of you cannot be forgotten! You wipe my face with your gown? My gown is worthier. O uncle, leave it, for I wish to meet Allah in this state. O uncle! The Hoor (girl of Paradise) that I described to you, she's at my head, waiting for my soul to depart from my body, and she is saying to me:

'Hurry, I am longing for you.' O uncle, for the Sake of Allah, if He was to bring you back safely, take my blood-stained clothes to my poor, grieved and sad mother, present them to her, and tell her:

'Allah has accepted your gift'." He then smiled and said: "I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, no partner has He; He has kept His promise, and I bear witness that Muhammad is Allah's servant and Messenger; this is what Allah and His Messenger has promised us, and Allah and His Messenger were true to their promise." His soul then left his body.

We then enshrouded him with his clothes, and buried him, may Allah be pleased with him and us.

When we returned from our expedition and entered the Riqqa, I headed towards the house of the young man's mother. She came out, andseemed very worried. I greeted her, she answered my Salam and said: "Did you come as a condoler or as a rejoicer?" Explain to me what is a condolence and what is a rejoice to you, may Allah have mercy on you, I replied. She said: "If my son has come back safe, then you are indeed a condoler. Whereas if he has been killed in Allah's Path, then you are a rejoicer!" I said: Rejoice, for Allah has accepted your gift!

Upon hearing this she wept and said: "Did He accept it?" I said: Yes. Thereupon she said: "Praise be to Allah who spared him for me on the Day of Judgement.".

May Allah (SWT) give us the hikmah to take correct lesson from this and give us the iman and taqwa to act upon it.


10 Sayings of Ali (r.a.)

1. During civil disturbance adopt such an attitude that people do not attach any importance to you - they neither burden you with complicated affairs, nor try to derive any advantage out of you.

2. He who is greedy is disgraced; he who discloses his hardship will always be humiliated; he who has no control over his tongue will often have to face discomfort.

3. Avarice is disgrace; cowardice is a defect; poverty often disables an intelligent man from arguing his case; a poor man is a stranger in his own town; misfortune and helplessness are calamities; patience is a kind of bravery; to sever attachments with the wicked world is the greatest wealth; piety is the best weapon of defence.

4. Submission to Allah's Will is the best companion; wisdom is the noblest heritage; theoretical and practical knowledge are the best signs of distinction; deep thinking will present the clearest picture of every problem.

5. The mind of a wise man is the safest custody of secrets; cheerfulness is the key to friendship; patience and forbearance will conceal many defects.

6. A conceited and self-admiring person is disliked by others; charity and alms are the best remedy for ailments and calamities; one has to account in the next world for the deeds that he has done in this world.

7. Man is a wonderful creature; he sees through the layers of fat (eyes), hears through a bone (ears) and speaks through a lump of flesh (tongue).

8. When this world favors somebody, it lends him the attributes, and surpassing merits of others and when it turns its face away from him it snatches away even his own excellences and fame.

9. Live amongst people in such a manner that if you die they weep over you and if you are alive they crave for your company.

10. If you overpower your enemy, then pardon him by way of thankfulness to Allah, for being able to subdue him.

(Bearing in mind that one can make dua at any time and in any place; however, the following are the most preferable times, conditions and places.)

1. Lailatul Qadr
2. Deep in the last third of the night
3. Immediately after the mandatory prayers
4. Between the adhan and iqamah
5. An hour during every night -- [hadith states that Allah comes down to the sky of the earth during the last 3rd of the night and hears the duas of the believers]
6. At the time of the call to the mandatory prayers
7. At the time of rain
8. During jihad when the ranks of fighters (mujahidoun) advance in the path of Allah
9. An hour every Friday -- the soundest opinion regarding this hour is the last hour between the hours of Asr on the day of Juma, and it could be the hour of the khutba and salat.
10. At the time of drinking Zamzam water with true intentions
11. During sajda
12. At the time of waking up at night and there are hadith regarding what the Prophet r said in these duas
13. If you sleep after having made wudu then wake up at night and then make supplication
14. After you say dua Yunus, make your personal dua or one from Qur'an or sunnah and it is La illah ila Allah subhannaka inni kuntu min al thaalimeen.
15. Dua of people after the death of a person (e.g. the dua of a person who is praying for someone who has just died)
16. Dua after praising Allah and giving salat on the Prophet (SAW) in the tashah-hud at the end of salat. Make your dua before the 2 tasleems.
17. At the time of dua, call upon Allah by the greatest of His names that, if called by them, He answers, and if asked by them, He gives (e.g. Ya Rahman, Ya Raheem, Ya Thal Jalaali wal Ikraam, Ya Al Ahad As Samad, lam yalid wa lam yulad wa lam yakum kuf wan ahad)
18. The dua of a Muslim for his brother or sister Muslim stemming from the heart.
19. Dua on the Day of Arafat
20. Dua during the month of Ramadan
21. Dua at the time of a Muslim gathering for the purpose of remembering Allah.
22. Dua at the time of a crisis by saying Inna lilahi wa inna ilaihi raje'oon, Allahuma ajurni fi museebati, wa akhlif li khairun minha. Verily, we belong to Allah, and verily, to Him is our return. O Allah, Bless me in my problem and replace it for me with something better than it.
23. Dua when the heart reaches out to Allah and is ready to be totally sincere
24. Dua of the oppressed against the one who is oppressing him
25. Dua of the father or mother for or against the son
26. Dua of the traveler
27. Dua of the one fasting until he breaks his fast.
28. Dua of the one fasting at the time of breaking fast
29. Dua of a desperate person
30. Dua of a just Imam
31. Dua of a son or daughter obedient to his or her parents
32. Dua immediately after wudu saying what has been mentioned in the hadith that is directly related to it (ablution)
33. Dua after stoning the small Shaitan (jamrat sugra) during Hajj
34. Dua after stoning the middle Shaitan (jamrat wusta) during Hajj.
35. Dua made inside the Ka'aba and the dua of one who prays inside the hijr as it is part of the house (bait Allah). [This is the semicircle to the right of the Ka'aba if you face the door.]
36. Dua on the mount of Safa during Umrah or Hajj
37. Dua on the mount of Marwa during Umrah or Hajj
38. Dua at any of the holy sites.

Note: The believer can call to his Lord at any time, wherever he is but these times and conditions and places are special and more care should be taken. Note: All of these circumstances are substantiated by hadith.

Customs and Manners of Making duas and the Causes for their Being Answered:

1. Faithfulness to Allah
2. To start with thanking Allah and praising Him and then giving salat on the Prophet (SAW) and ending the dua with the same.
3. To be serious in dua and certain that it will be answered
4. Persistence in the dua and not rushing it (Hadith says don't rush or be impatient. Don't say "I prayed for such and such a thing and Allah didn't answer my prayer. Allah dislikes that.)
5. To put your heart into the dua -- make it from your heart (even if you are reading the words, i.e., mean what you say)
6. Say dua in times of crises as well as times that are good -- don't just say dua in times of need only.
7. Ask Allah alone -- and no one else.
8. Do not make dua on someone's family or money or child or life -- that is, don't say I wish that that person's family be destroyed, or I pray that she loses all her money, or I wish his oldest son would fail or I wish that he would die.
9. Make dua in a moderately low voice -- not silent yet not completely out loud.
10. Know your sins (faults) and seek forgiveness for them and know and acknowledge the benefits and blessings you have been given and thank Allah for them.
11. The oppressor should make amends for what he has done and repent.
12. Turn to Allah with humility, desire and fear of Him.
13. Do not use rhymed prose when making dua.
14. The supplication is (said) three (times). [Hadith that states that the Messenger of Allah (SAW) when making dua, repeated it 3 times.]
15. Face the Qiblah when making dua.
16. Raise the hands during dua [sunnah, not wajib]
17. Make wudu before making dua when possible.
18. Don't pray for injurious or harmful things to happen to people (like praying someone has an unfortunate mishap, or falls down, or chokes or breaks his leg, etc.) Also remember, that the Angels say "Ameen" and the same for you," after your dua.
19. The person making dua should start with himself if he is going to pray for someone else.
20. To make intercession to Allah by use of His beautiful Names and superior Attributes, or by some good deed that the supplicator performed or by the dua of a good man living, who is in his presence (e.g., asking someone who is a good Muslim to make dua for you)
21. That the food and drink and clothing is halal and of a halal source
22. Do not make dua for a sin or cutting off of family ties.
23. To order that which is good and forbid that which is forbidden
24. Distancing one's self from all types of sin.

Ayath: "And your Lord says: Call on me; I will answer (your prayer). But those who are too arrogant to serve Me will surely find themselves in Hell in humiliation."

[Ghafur / Mu'min: 60]

Ayath: "When my servants ask you concerning Me, I am indeed close (to them). I listen to the prayer of every supplicant when he calls on Me. . ."


Hadith: "Dua is (a form) of worship; your Lord said, "Call on Me; I will answer you (your prayer).

Hadith: "Verily, your Lord (Blessed is He and Almighty) is alive, generous and if His servant raises his hands towards Him, He feels reluctant not to return anything to him."

Hadith: "Any Muslim who supplicates Allah with a supplication that does not contain any sin or cutting off of family relations, Allah will give him one of three things for it:
1. Either He will speedily answer his dua
2. or He will save it for him until the Hereafter
3. or He will avert something bad from him equal to the value of his dua.
(Explanation: a dua has a certain relative value determined by Allah, so if a person says a particular dua, say 15 times in a day, then Allah protects him from something bad that is equal to the valued amount of his dua.)

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